For Beginners

Buy the Learner’s Kit Bundle with everything you need to start learning Ukulele!

Or scroll down to see my recommendations for each item individually



I recommend the following ukes. If you shop via these links below, you can also support me!

Here are three common sizes: Soprano, Concert, and Tenor. You can’t go wrong with any size for young learners. Bow is a tenor and I prefer teaching and learning on tenors. Still, the more traditional size is the smaller soprano and its a great match for beginners and kids.


My recommendations


If you would like to shop Kala’s website, you can do so as well! You will receive their amazing customer support and more colors and models to choose from. I will also receive a small kickback if you shop via my affiliate link.



Age Recommendation: great for independent learners ages 7 and older. With the support of an adult guide, learners as early as 4.5 years old can begin learning too!




Clip-on tuner or device with the Kala tuning app (free)

Tuning is the HARDEST PART so don’t get down on yourself if it’s a tricky process! Once you’re tuned up each time, you’ll be off and running. I prefer the free Kala app to a clip on tuner myself but if you’d like practice time to be device-free, this tune is great and re-chargeable so you don’t need batteries.



Dot Stickers

For the method I use to teach in my book, I prefer using color-coded dot stickers on the neck of the ukulele while learning. It’s an incredibly fast way to pick up the four most common chords! You can use any office sticker dots, I’ve been using the Avery color coding labels because they’re very affordable.